8 results found

Search Results for: unmyelinated nerve

Unmyelinated nerve

Definition noun A nerve that is bare or without the myelin sheath around the axon. Supplement The unmyelinated nerve... Read More

Nervous tissue

Nervous Tissue Definition Nerve cells (or neurons) and their associated cells, such as neuroglia cells, make up nervous... Read More

Axon hillock

Axon Hillock Definition What is axon hillock? If you are familiar with the different parts of the neuron, the axon hillock... Read More


What Is Axon? An axon is a thin, long fiber of a nerve cell (or neuron). It transmits electrical impulses from the cell... Read More

Olfactory nerve

Definition noun, plural: olfactory nerves The cranial nerve comprised of sensory nerve fibers that carry impulses for the... Read More

Unmyelinated neuron

Definition noun A neuron in which there is no myelin sheath surrounding the axon. Supplement The unmyelinated neuron... Read More


Definition noun, plural: neurons An excitable cell that has specialized cell parts (such as soma, dendrites and axons),... Read More

Central nervous system

Definition noun The part of the nervous system comprised of the brain, the brainstem, and the spinal cord Supplement In... Read More